The Gospel of the Forty Days: Baptism, Part 1 “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Mt 28:20). The verse tells us that Christ (now resurrected and speaking with His Apostles before His ascension) commanded them to baptize all peoples as they became disciples. With the same words, Jesus also spoke of God’s revelation of Himself: baptism was to be in the Name (singular, one God) of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (three Persons), thus reinforcing what the Apostles had learned being with Jesus: that God had, in Christ, revealed Himself to be three divine Persons possessing simultaneously the one divine nature of the one God as revealed to Israel. So Jesus’ command (Ac 1:2) and teaching (Ac 1:3) here are part of his “gospel of the forty days.” Jesus spoke on different occasions during the forty days of the baptism He was commanding the Apostl...