Eucharistic Miracle of Sokółka, Poland, of 2008. Sokółka is a small town in NE Poland, near the border with Belarus. It was October 12, 2008, at an ordinary Sunday Mass. Accidently a consecrated Host was dropped during distribution of Holy Communion. Normally the priest might pick up and consume the Host, but it had picked up some dirt. So, as with our stories of the last few weeks, the Host was put into a container of water, expecting it to dissolve, and removed to a safe place. One week later, on the 19th, expecting the host to now be completely dissolved, instead part of the white Host remained, and it was partially covered by a solid red protruding stain, resembling a 1x1.5 cm. blood clot. Yet the water was clear. It was photographed, the diocese was informed and did a preliminary investigation. The bishop then ordered it be preserved, not in water, but that what appeared to be a blood clot to be removed from the remaining white Host and placed on a corporal (th...