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Abandonment to Divine Providence (Two)
      Last week we considered a great Christian classic, “Abandonment to Divine Providence,” by Jean-Pierre de Caussade (1675-1751). In the passage below de Caussade speaks of learning to see God’s hand and His will in the everyday events of our ordinary lives, knowing that God is “speaking” to us, leading us, guiding us continually, moment by moment. Sometimes we just need to have the eyes and ears to see and hear (Mt 11:15).

      “You speak, Lord, to each individual soul by the circumstances occurring at every moment of life. Instead, however, of hearing Your voice in these events, and receiving with awe what is obscure and mysterious in these Your words [i.e., the circumstances], men see in their only the outward aspect, or chance, or the caprice of others, and censure everything. They would like to add, or diminish, or reform, and to allow themselves absolute liberty to commit any excess, the least of which would be a criminal and unheard-of outrage.
      They respect the holy Scriptures, on the other hand, and will not permit the addition of even a singe comma. ‘It is the word of God’ say they, ‘and is altogether holy and true. If we cannot understand it, it is all the more wonderful and we must give glory to God, and render justice to the depths of His wisdom.’
      All this is perfectly true, but when you read God's word from moment to moment [in the everyday circumstances of life], not written with ink on paper, but on your soul with suffering, and the daily actions that you have to perform, does it not merit some attention on your part? How is it that you cannot see the will of God in all this?
      Instead you find fault with everything that happens, nothing pleases you. For we are judging by our senses and our own thinking that which can only be measured by faith. We read, with the eyes of faith, the word of God in the Scriptures; in a similar way, we are very wrong to “read” God’s “word” with eyes other than faith when it comes to us amidst His activities [in our daily lives].”

            The language is a bit difficult (we’ve made adjustments for clarity). But to say it another way: De Caussade’s insight is that just as God speaks to us in Holy Scripture, He is also speaking to us in what He does every day, i.e., in our daily activities and events. So just as in Scripture, we not only read the literal words but also listen with the ears of faith where the Holy Spirit discloses the Lord’s word to our souls – so, too, in the activities and events of our ordinary daily lives, the Holy Spirit is disclosing the Lord’s word to our souls and revealing what He wants to “speak” to us individually, and right there is where we can find God’s will for us. Think of Mary, Joseph and Jesus in Nazareth: diaper changing, washing dishes, carpentry. Nothing spectacular by worldly standards, but every moment filled with God, with love, and with suffering and difficulties offered up to the Father and filled with His grace.
Dibby Green

Originally published in the print edition of the Mojave Desert News on August 22, 2019.
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