The Gospel of the Forty Days: Witness, Part 1
We continue our series of articles
seeing what commands (Ac 1:2) and teachings (Ac 1:3) the resurrected Lord Jesus
gave during the forty days before His Ascension.
One of Jesus’ clearest commands and His
last recorded words before He ascended was, “You shall be my witnesses ... to
the ends of the earth” (Ac 1:8; cf., Mk 16:15, 20, Lk 24:47-48; cf. Mk 13:10).
The Apostles in particular were to be personal witness, even evidentiary
eye-witnesses, to the facts of Jesus’ life (Jn 15:27, Ac 10:39), suffering and
death (Lk 24:46; Ac 10:39), resurrection (Ac 1:22; 2:32; 10:40-41; 13:31; Lk
24:46-48), exaltation at God the Father’s right hand (Ac 5:32), and God’s
appointed judge of the living and the dead (Ac 10:42; cf., Mt 28:18).
Even the authorities were amazed at “uneducated, common men” such as Peter and John but they “recognized that they had been with Jesus” (Ac 4:13).
The Apostle St. John is quite personal in
his witness to us: “That which was from the beginning” (i.e., Jesus’ divinity),
“which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we looked upon
and have touched with our hands, concerning the Word of Life – the Life was
made manifest” (i.e., Jesus’ humanity), “and we have seen it, and testify to it
and proclaim also to you” (1 Jn 1:1-3; cf., 4:14).
While Christians today are not
evidentiary eye-witnesses of Jesus’ earthly life, we are still called upon to
be His witnesses. Now the witness of a person’s life always speaks louder than
his/her words – and in today’s overwhelmingly secular culture, this is more than
ever important. Does one’s person and life turn people off? Or does it look
like Christ’s humanity? Do we see integrity? Goodness? Kindness? Truthfulness?
Decency? Service to others? Self-sacrifice? Faith in God (without hypocrisy)?
Two persons who are known Christians
immediately came to mind in this context. One is Judge Amy Coney Barrett, whose
hearings for Senate confirmation of her U.S. Supreme Court nomination has shown
a woman of integrity, consistency, goodness, composure, committed public
service, and even kindness and respect towards those who challenge her
Another is local: Duane Vasquez. He writes the column in this
paper for First Baptist Church, is the founder of I Love Cal City, and owner
(with his wife) of Raven’s Nest Cafe. Through I Love Cal City, Duane is not
only spearheading the current fundraising (bring your donation to Raven’s Nest!)
and work of replacing the city’s emblem on Cal City Blvd. (at no cost to the
City), but he also took the effort this year (as in the past) to do video
interviews for all of us voters to view and be informed about each candidate in
the current election (these are posted online at What a huge
service to us!
Neither Judge Barrett nor Duane were alive in Jerusalem 2000 years ago, but they fulfill Jesus’ command to be a witness to Him in their own time, in their own circumstances, in their own manner of life. Christ is the reason they are persons of integrity. Christ is the reason they serve and love others. And we – whether Christian or not – know it and are enriched.