Life in This World: You Will Be Hated. Last week we looked at what Jesus and the Bible tells us about how live in the here and now – which is to live only in Christ, abiding in Him. The Bible has still more to say on this. Jesus tells us that we, though living now in this world, are actually no more of the world, just like He, when He walked the Earth, was not of this world ( Jn 17:16 ; cf. 17:20 ). Yet Christ has no intention of removing us from the world but intercedes for us that we be protected from the devil ( Jn 17:14-16 ; Mt 6:13 ). So He does want us in this world. There’s no mistake. We’re supposed to be here. In fact, Christ has sent us into the world ( Jn 17:18 ). He wants us to be consecrated in truth ( Jn 17:19 ), to bear witness to the truth ( 1 Jn 4:14-15 ), and to preach the Gospel ( Mk 14:9 , 16:15 ). At the same time we must guard ourselves from getting contaminated by the world ( Jas 1:27 ), must not love the world ( 1 Jn 2:15 ), nor model ourselves on t...