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Eucharistic Miracle of Saint Anthony.

      This event had so many eye witnesses that its authenticity cannot be doubted – as fantastic as it may seem.

      St. Anthony of Padua (1195-1231) was born in Lisbon, Portugal, and initially became an Augustinian monk, studying Scripture and theology, and ordained a priest. Impressed with the witness of early Franciscan martyrs, St. Anthony transferred to the Franciscans. He went to Italy and met St. Francis. Initially he was often sick, and so laid low on his background. No one knew of his theological training and preaching skill. He was happy to cook and keep a low and humble profile. However, it happened that he was once asked (as in, required) to give a sermon, “just something simple” he was told, as they presumed he had no education. While maintaining his humility, his evident love of Scripture, gift of speaking, and holiness of life was so evident, all were greatly inspired by God’s grace in Anthony. And so a while later, Francis appointed him as a traveling preacher in Italy.

      The city of Toulouse was a center of the Cather (aka Albigensian) heresy at that time, which denied the goodness of the material world and of marriage, and rejected the Sacraments and so also the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. St. Anthony engaged in several public debates with many of the Cather peoples there. Although they could not counter his arguments, neither could they believe.

      It happened that one of the men, Boniville, argued against the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, while Anthony affirmed the perennial Catholic truth Jesus, the Apostles, and their followers had all proclaimed. So one day Boniville decided to ask for miraculous proof, and suggested that his donkey decide the truth of the matter. Not wanting to put God to the test, yet St. Anthony could not avoid the challenge, so accepted the terms and put the outcome in God’s hands.

      Boniville kept his donkey in its stall for three days, and gave it no food. Obviously, it was ravenously hungry at the end of the three days. A great crowd gathered – both believers and unbelievers. Boniville was ready with his pile of feed of oats and hay for the animal. St. Anthony, on the other hand, merely held up in a monstrance a consecrated Eucharistic Host. The donkey was let out of the stall and, ignoring its master and his feed, the donkey went right to the Eucharist held by St. Anthony and fell on its knees before the Blessed Sacrament. The Catholics in the crowd cheered in joy. The Cathers were quiet. They had some thinking to do.

      Boniville did convert back to the Catholic Faith, including professing faith in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. A great number of the Cathers followed him and also returned to the true Church of Jesus Christ.

      So even the animals can testify to the truth when God wills.

      Now, have you heard of St. Anthony preaching to the fishes? They lined up in the sea and listened to his preaching when the people would not!.

Dibby Allan Green

Originally published in the print edition of the Mojave Desert News of August 10, 2023.

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church is located in California City, CA. Visit our website at ollcalcity.orgDibby Allan Green has a BA in Religious Studies (Westmont College, 1978) and MA in Theology (Augustine Institute, 2019), is a lay Catholic hermit, and a parishioner of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish.