On Mistaken Belief The last book in C. S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia called, The Last Battle , portrays different responses when a person believes something is true that later is learned to be false. Now hard times had come on Narnia, and many Narnians were enslaved to the Calormen – although the Ape (a stooge for Tash, the Satan character) wants to convince them they are not enslaved. Ape mocks the Narnians as being naive for thinking they are enslaved and says, “Tash is only another name for Aslan [the Christ character]. All that old idea of us [Narnians] being right and the Calormenes wrong is silly. We know better now. The Calormenes use different words but we all mean the same thing. Tash and Aslan are only two different names for you know Who.... Get that into your heads, you stupid brutes. Tash is Aslan; Aslan is Tash.” Lewis is describing a situation where good and evil are so mixed as to be allegedly the sa...