St. Barnabas 4. The African Memory of His Extended Family. This week we look at St. Barnabas’ background from a new perspective. In Thomas C. Oden’s “The African Memory of Mark,” [1] Dr. Oden relates the African tradition as to Mark’s family. Recall from our first article on St. Barnabas that John Mark is Barnabas’ sister’s son ( Col4:10 ), and we also mentioned that the Orthodox tradition has St. Aristobulus ( Ro16:10 ) as Barnabas’ brother. The African Coptic tradition understands this “brother” to be what we call brother-in-law inasmuch as Barnabas’ sister, Mary ( Ac 12:12 ), was married to Aristobulus, which makes John Mark the son of Mary and Aristobulus. [2] Furthermore, the African tradition is that St. Peter’s wife was named Strapola, and she was a relative of Aristobulus. Dr. Oden tells it this way, quoting Coptic scholar Girgis: “‘Peter was married to Strapol...